Полный русско-английский словарь
Жен. 1) stupidity, foolishness, folly 2) foolish/stupid action/thing, folly, foolery, (глупый поступок); foolishness, nonsense, folly (глупое поведение) 3) (бессмыслица) nonsense, rubbish; мн. fiddle-faddle, flapdoodle глупости! — nonsense!, stuff and nonsense!, rubbish! болтать глупости ∙ верх глупости — bathos of stupidity глупост|ь — ж. 1. stupidity, foolishness; 2. разг. (поступок, слова) foolish/silly thing; наделать ~ей do* a lot of foolish/silly things; 3. (чепуха) rubbish, nonsense; брось эти ~и! stop that nonsense!; ~и! nonsense!, rubbish!