Русско-английский медицинский словарь
1) (быть больным) to be ill (with); разг. to be down (with); (быть больным долго, часто) to be ailing; to be in poor health; to suffer (from) он болеет астмой с детства — he has been ailing from asthma since he was a child; он болеет пневмонией — he is ill with pneumonia, he is down with pneumonia; он болеет с детства — he has been ailing since childhood; он всегда болеет — he is always ailing 2) (о боли) to ache, to hurt у него болит голова — his head aches, he has a headache; у него болит горло — he has a sore throat; у него болит нога — his foot hurts, he has pain in his foot; у него болят глаза — he has sore eyes, his eyes hurt; что у Вас болит? — what's your trouble?